How I Got Into Photography

Hello all, hope you're all having a great day!
Today I will be sharing with you how I first got into photography.
I've always liked taking pictures, but I don't like to be in them. When I thought more about it I loved taking pictures. It turns out I'm really good at it. My favorite pictures to take are action shots. I love action shots cause you never know what your gonna get.
You can get some really cool pictures.

I bought my camera with my own money, and it was the best thing I've ever bought.
 We had a dance show a couple weeks ago, and they asked me to take pictures of them so they could put them on their website.

I also really enjoy nature. I love going outside, and just walking around when I'm stressed. I live in the country, so I have a lot of land, and I like to go to this little pond that we have and take pictures at sunrise and sunset.

 I bring it on vacation and take some family pictures and pictures of random things. I take pictures when they're not looking and those are the best kind cause they don't expect it. I also like to take pictures of the ocean (but I live in Minnesota, so more like lakes.)

 This is just some of the ways that I've gotten into photography. So if you don't like being in pictures, try taking them! Maybe you'll find a new passion, or a possible career.

Until next time,



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